Analysis of the performance of APC propellers in the engine O.S. 55 AX type glow

Importing relevant libraries

Functions in use in the analysis

read_txt(filename, model)



APCplot(df, group, x, y, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, percent_x=False, percent_y=False, save_at=None)

Importing data

The data here comes from performance files on APC's website.

Performance analysis

What is the maximum power delivered to the propellers by the O.S. 55 AX engine?

A Senior project was found that shows the maximum frequency values for two of these propellers on that engine, models 12.25 x 3.75 and 13x4, to be 206.25 Hz and 192.3834 Hz respectively.

With that, the maximum power, at these frequencies in these models, was found to be 736,302 W and 741,524 W and the average of the two, 738,913 W, was taken as the maximum power delivered by the engine.

Afterwards, all entries with power greater than max power were removed from the dataframe.

The following is the actual analysis

Thurst velocity plots for all the propellers

One of the fundamental ways to measure performance of propellers is to assess their performance in low velocities, (below takeoff velocity) since a higher thrust in these velocities can mean a faster acceleration a reduced runway length.

The figure below show that it is quite clear that the 12.25 x 3.75 model is the best performing one in this set.

Finding the coefficients of this curve

We can find the coefficients of the thrust curve (T) as a function of velocity (v) assuming a quadratic relationship and applying a least squares method, the following is the equation with the relationship and the sum of squares of the errors.

$$T(v) = -0.014436v^{2} + -0.845198v + 38.942274 \quad error = 0.010472$$

Efficiency of a propeller

The formal definition of the efficiency (𝜂) of a propeller is fraction of the power it delivers in relation to the power recieved by the engine: $$\eta=\frac{{P}_{effective}}{{P}_{engine}}$$

In this case calculated with the available data, as defined by the bibliographic reference of the suplier UIUC:

D being the diameter of the propeller, 𝜌 the density of the air and n the frequency in revolutions per second, one can define the coefficients of thrust ($C_{t}$) and power ($C_{p}$) as: ${C}_{t} = \frac{T}{\rho {n}^{2} {D}^{4}}$ and ${C}_{p} = \frac{P}{\rho {n}^{3} {D}^{5}}$

With that, 𝜂 can be written as: $$\eta=\frac{{C}_{t}J}{{C}_{p}}$$

Efficiency as function of the advance ratio (J)

Efficiency as a function of thrust

As you can see in the figure above, the propellers all have relatively high efficiencies (above 60%).

The 12.25 x 3.75 model was chosen, even though it had the lowest efficiency of all, 71.56%, for having an efficiency above the values set as acceptable in the literature (above 60%) and for having the largest area in the thrust-efficiency curve. This is due to an inverse relationship between these two variables as shown in the Figure below.